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субота, 15 січня 2022 р.
неділя, 6 вересня 2020 р.
Триває фотоконкурс «Вікі любить пам’ятки»
вівторок, 3 грудня 2013 р.
Ukrainian protests are peaceful, despite the provocation cases
Address to journalists in the EU and worldwide
Dear colleagues and friends,
International media NGO “Internews Ukraine” calls on you to disseminate the following two messages to your colleagues and friends. First, Ukrainian protests are peaceful. Second, the regime is cruel to its citizens and to the journalists.
Some of you might have watched videos about yesterday’s violence near the Presidential administration in Kyiv. One thing should be made clear: this violence is NOT the essence of the Ukrainian protests. It was a result of a special operation aimed at provoking violence on both sides of the confrontation.
The key idea of these provocations is to discredit the peaceful character of the Ukrainian protests, and to create an aggressive image of the will of the people. Some radicals can naively join them. But they do not represent even a tiny part in the Ukrainian protests.
Dear colleagues and friends,
International media NGO “Internews Ukraine” calls on you to disseminate the following two messages to your colleagues and friends. First, Ukrainian protests are peaceful. Second, the regime is cruel to its citizens and to the journalists.
Some of you might have watched videos about yesterday’s violence near the Presidential administration in Kyiv. One thing should be made clear: this violence is NOT the essence of the Ukrainian protests. It was a result of a special operation aimed at provoking violence on both sides of the confrontation.
The key idea of these provocations is to discredit the peaceful character of the Ukrainian protests, and to create an aggressive image of the will of the people. Some radicals can naively join them. But they do not represent even a tiny part in the Ukrainian protests.
неділя, 10 березня 2013 р.
Весна Вики подспорье
Сегодня был презентован конкурс "Николаевская весна в Википедии". Авторам в течении 4 недель предложено "настрочить" в украинскую Вики-энциклопедию материалы про Николаевщину. Получат призы те, кто лучше и больше напишет(снимет) фото про людей, места и факты нашего края.
С одной стороны, конкурс призван оживить активность николаевских авторов народной энциклопедии, с другой - следствием должна стать большая известность Николаевщины в глобальной сети.
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